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Frequent error notifications when executing PHP scripts

In this article, you will find a few explanations and suggestions for the error notifications that frequently occur after the installation or during the usage of PHP scripts.


Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'
Failed opening required 'filename.php' (include_path='.:/includes') in mnt/am/0/htdocs/est.php on line
Warning: fopen(../data/colors.inc): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /mnt/02/007/htdocs/save_.inc on line
Parse error: parse error in /ordner/ordner/datei.php [path + file name] on line
HTTP error: 500 Internal Server Error
Fehlermeldung "Warning: Unable to access..."?(when accessing Joomla / Mambo)


Please note:The parameter display_errorsis disabled by default in PHP 5.* at STRATO (display_errors = off).

In order to be able to understand why an error occurred, it is recommended that you enable these parameters. You can activate this with a corresponding entry in your php.ini Thus, please add the following entries to your php.ini file:

error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On

After the evaluation of the error, it is recommended that you disable this setting again.


Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'

Background: This problem occurs when the script tries to connect to the MySQL Server through the local computer. This happens if there was no MySQL data entered during the configuration of the script.

Please enter the correct MySQL data in the configuration of the script. You can view your MySQL access data in the password-protected customer login under the menu options Settings and Database Management.


Failed opening required 'Dateiname.php' (include_path='.:/includes') in mnt/am/0/htdocs/est.php on line

Background: This error message is displayed if a file required by the script is not found. Furthermore, this message may also occur for scripts that need PEAR if an incorrect PHP version was mapped.

Possible solutions:
a) If you use a script that needs PEAR: Make sure that you are using PHP version 4.3 or higher. Under certain circumstances, you will have to create an Datei .htaccess - file or append this file via an entry if it already exists.

b) Search for the file named in the error message — it may just be in a different directory (in this case, copy the file into the corresponding folder)

c) Examine the access rights for the file.

d) Thoroughly read the instructions of the script and check if an additional package has to be installed so that the script can run.

e) Als letzte Möglichkeit entsprechende Datei aus dem Installationspaket auf Ihrer Festplatte entpacken und erneut auf Ihren Webspace in das jeweilige Verzeichnis laden.

Warning: fopen(../data/colors.inc): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /mnt/02/007/htdocs/save_.inc on line

Background: This error appears if the access rights are incorrect or not set for the corresponding file.

Access rights must be set depending on the content of the error message (with "failed to open..." read access, with "failed to write..." set up write access.


Parse error: parse error in /ordner/ordner/datei.php on line 65

Background: This error message indicates a "Syntax" error.


Go to the corresponding line in the specified file and check if each command ends with a ";" or if quotation marks are missing.


500 Internal Server Error

Background: This error appears if the access rights are incorrect or not set or if a "php.ini" file is in the main directory.

a) Check if a Datei php.ini file is in the main directory and try changing the name of the file. Check if the error message still appears.

b) The access rights to the folder and/or files are incorrect and need to be changed.

Warning: Unable to access..."? (beim Aufruf von Joomla / Mambo)

Background: The cause for this message is often due to an incorrect absolute path, which is normally stored in a PHP configuration file. An incorrectly entered path in the PHP scripts may lead to one of the following errors:

"Warning: Unable to access /mnt/be1/02/037/0004/htdocs/include/html_helper.php in /mnt/cr2/04/640/00011/htdocs/include/path.php on line 80"
"Fatal error: Failed opening required '/mnt/be1/02/037/0004/htdocs/include/html_helper.php' (include_path='') in /mnt/cr2/04/640/00011/htdocs/include/path.php on line 80"

The absolute path must always be specified for the UNIX webhosting package in accordance with the FAQ:
Beachte auchWhat are the paths in your system?


In Joomla/Mambo, the 'configuration.php' file simply needs to be changed to reflect the correct absolute path:
$mosConfig_absolute_path = '/home/strato/www/wu/www.desiredname.de/htdocs/';
$mosConfig_cachepath = '/home/strato/www/wu/www.desiredname.de/htdocs/cache

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