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What is the AuthInfo Code (AuthCode) and what do I need this for when I change providers?

The AuthInfo Code is an alphanumeric security code that exists for most top level domains. The AuthInfo Code is only known to the domain owner or their administrative contact and must be specified in the event of a provider change. In this way, it is ensured that a provider change can only be performed by authorized persons.
A provider change cannot be started without this AuthInfo Code!

How do I obtain the Authcode for a provider change to STRATO?

Upon request, you will receive the AuthInfo Code from your current registrar or provider. The details of the procedure depend on the respective registrar or provider. Often, there is an option to view the AuthInfo Code in the service area. You may also have to request the AuthInfo Code or you may receive it automatically via email after you have terminated your domain with your registrar or provider or announced a provider change. Please contact your current registrar or provider in order to find out how you can receive the AuthInfo Code.
If you would like to transfer to STRATO with a domain, it is necessary to enter the AuthInfo for identification. You can enter the AuthInfo Code for the provider change directly during the order process.
Alternatively, you can also inform us of the AuthInfo Code following your order. In your preconfigured customer service area, you will receive a notice after login where you have the option to directly enter the AuthInfo Code.
Hinweis In order to accelerate your provider change, we recommend requesting the AuthInfo Code of your domain from your current registrar or provider before beginning a provider change.
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