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How can I request the Auth-Code for my server's domains?

The Auth-Code is an alphanumeric security code. It needs to be provided during a domain transfer from certain domains. This ensures that a domain transfer is only performed by people who are authorized to do so.


The Auth-Code will be generated and sent to the registered email address of the domain holder 24 hours after cancellation of the domain The Auth-Code can also be requested in the password protected STRATO Login area at any time. Login area The Auth-Code can also be requested at any time in the STRATO Login area as soon as the corresponding domain is marked with "Cancellation noted". It will then be sent to the domain holder's email address.


Log in to the STRATO Login area with your customer number or the domain name and your password.

Now click on the Settings button to access the Contract Support area for your server.


All of the domains located on your STRATO server are listed under the menu item Domain Administration and Domain(s) Overview.

The Request Auth-Code link will be displayed next to each domain that has a cancellation date and for which an Auth-Code is assigned.


Click on the link to request the Auth-Code.

The following is then displayed in an overview:

  • For which domain you are requesting the Auth-Code
  • The domain owner or AdminC as well as
  • The email address of the domain owner.

If all the data is correct, please click on the Send Auth-Code button in order to send it to the domain owner via email. Delivery will be carried out within a day.


Please note that Auth-Codes for .de domains are only valid for 30 days and will need to be requested again after this time period has elapsed.


Other helpful articles:
Beachte auchWhat is the Auth-Code and what do I need it for when I change providers?


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