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What is the master password and what is it needed for?

The master password serves solely for logging into the services of your package, for example, into your FTP account or for network encryption via SSH. It is not possible to log in to your customer service area with the master password. With the master password, no contractual changes can be assigned in the STRATO customer service area. Thus, you can inform other users from your webhosting package of the master password without them being able to change contractual settings or master data from the package in the customer service area.

Beachte auch What is the STRATO password system?

You can create the master password in your customer login . Please first click on the Your Package button in the right area:

Now select Set passwords under the menu option Administration:

You can now create a package password and/or a master password:
Please remember, that the master password must consist of at least 8-20 characters.
We have summarized helpful information in this article:Beachte auch Our recommendations for good passwords

At the end, you will receive a confirmation of the changes:

If you have already assigned a master password, you can delete or change this at any time and replace it with a new master password:
Please remember that the access options for FTP and SSH are affected when you delete or change the master password.

You will see a confirmation prompt when you click on delete.
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