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How do I change my PHP settings in my hosting package?

In this article you will get all the information about the basic PHP settings.

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How you change your PHP settings in your hosting package

From the Hosting Starter hosting package onwards (older packages: from the BasicWeb XL package or PowerWeb Starter), PHP is available to you as a programming language.

You have the option to change the PHP versions and activate PHP Boost in your STRATO customer login.

You can switch between PHP versions 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 & 8.3 with a few clicks in your STRATO customer login.

To do this, please first log in with your customer number and customer password and select "Your package" by clicking the 3-point-menü next to the right package or by clicking the package name itself.

Package Overview

In your package please call the menu items Databases and Web space → Set PHP version.

On the following page you can now switch between the offered PHP versions.



The change will be confirmed after you save the setting.


Activate PHP Boost

The PHP Boost option can also be activated directly in your STRATO customer login and is available from PHP version 5.3. To do this, click on the menu items Databases and Web space Set PHP version.

PHP boost

PHP Boost activates a code cache. With this, your PHP scripts will run up to 100% faster. With PHP Boost enabled, PHP will run in FastCGI mode.

Please note: With PHP Boost enabled, only the php.ini in your root directory is taken into account. Its directives also apply to subdirectories. If a domain is redirected to an installation directory (e.g. with WordPress), then this directory is also considered the root directory.

If PHP Boost is enabled, it may take some time until the changes made via php.ini file take effect, because it is not reloaded on every page load due to caching.


Which PHP basic settings are available at STRATO?

The following tables show you which basic settings are used to configure the various PHP versions at STRATO.

PHP 5.3.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time60 seconds CPU time or 120 seconds abs. running timeSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit128 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size48 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsOffEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize32 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
zend.ze1_compatibility_modeOffDisables compatibility with the zend1 engine
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

PHP 5.6.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time60 seconds CPU time or 120 seconds abs. running timeSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit128 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size48 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsOffEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize32 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

PHP 7.0.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time60 seconds CPU time or 120 seconds abs. running timeSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit256 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size48 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsno longer existsEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize64 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

PHP 7.1.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time60 seconds CPU time or 120 seconds abs. running timeSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit256 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size48 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsno longer existsEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize64 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

PHP 7.2.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time240 secondsSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit256 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size48 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsno longer existsEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize64 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

PHP 7.3.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time240 secondsSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit256 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size76 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsOffEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize64 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

PHP 7.4.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time240 secondsSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit512 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size128 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsOffEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize128 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

PHP 8.0.x / 8.1.x / 8.2.x / 8.3.x – config

display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time240 secondsSets the maximum duration for the execution of a script
memory_limit512 MBLimits the maximum memory consumption of a script
post_max_size128 MBLimits the maximum amount of data accepted by PHP via POST
register_globalsOffEnables access to POST & GET data via arrays
safe_modeOffTurns off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize128 MB (maximum value)Sets the maximum size of file uploads
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to 1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of the session cache

As of PHP 7.2.x, the Intl. module is enabled.


Parameter: Register Globals off

As of version 4.4.x, register_globals is disabled in PHP. This means that a PHP script can no longer access information submitted from forms as GET or POST data via global variables.

The transmitted data is accessed via arrays. This means that variables sent via GET can be accessed with $_GET["variablenName"]. POST data accordingly with $_POST["variablenName"].

These innovations serve the security and structure within PHP scripts, and can be easily adopted into existing scripts using the following example.


<?php ( desiredname.com/test.php?test=Message )
$text = $test;
echo $text
Ausgabe: Message


<?php ( desiredname.com/test.php?test=Message )
$test = $_GET["test"];
$text = $test;
echo $text;
Ausgabe: Message


With the update to PHP version 5.3.22 there is a new limit for the maximum number of fields in a POST request, which is set to 1,000. The default value for max_input_vars is 4,000 and has an upper limit of 10,000. You can change this value manually via your own php.ini file, for example by entering the value max_input_vars = 2000.

You can find a detailed description of this additionally here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php

Note: To find out how PHP is configured on your web hosting package, simply create a small file called info.php.

How can I check the PHP and/or MySQL version?

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