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Which basic settings are available with PHP at STRATO?



The ini file (initialization or configuration file) is a text file that contains certain pairs of values in a special format that is read and processed by a program.
An ini file can be easily created with an editor, for example, Windows Editor.
To do this, open the editor (can be found in Windows under the menu point Accessories - Editor), paste the desired commands and save the file with the extension ".ini".


Based on the following tables, you can recognize which basic settings are configured for the different PHP versions at STRATO.



PHP 5.3.x – config
display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser.
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time60 seconds CPU time or 120 seconds abs. RuntimeSets the maximum runtime
for script execution
memory_limit128 MBLimits the maximum storage consumption of a
script to 128 MB
post_max_size48 MBLimits the max. quantity of data that can be accepted by PHP through POST to 48 MB.
register_globalsOffAllows for access to POST & GET data through arrays.
safe_modeOffSwitches off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize32 MBSets the maximum size of
file uploads to 32MB.
zend.ze1_compatibility_modeOffTurns off the compatibility for the
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to
1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of
the session cache to 3 hours


PHP 5.5.x – config
display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser.
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time60 seconds CPU time or 120 seconds abs. RuntimeSets the maximum runtime
for script execution
memory_limit128 MBLimits the maximum storage consumption of a
script to 128 MB
post_max_size48 MBLimits the max. quantity of data that can be accepted by PHP through POST to 48 MB.
register_globalsOffAllows for access to POST & GET data through arrays.
safe_modeOffSwitches off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize32 MBSets the maximum size of
file uploads to 32MB
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to
1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of
the session cache to 3 hours


PHP 5.6.x – config
display_errorsOffDisplays script errors in the browser.
file_uploadsOnAllows you to upload files
max_execution_time60 seconds CPU time or 120 seconds abs. RuntimeSets the maximum runtime
for script execution
memory_limit128 MBLimits the maximum storage consumption of a
script to 128 MB
post_max_size48 MBLimits the max. quantity of data that can be accepted by PHP through POST to 48 MB.
register_globalsOffAllows for access to POST & GET data through arrays.
safe_modeOffSwitches off the safe mode of PHP
upload_max_filesize32 MBSets the maximum size of
file uploads to 32MB
session.gc_maxlifetime1440Sets the timeout of a PHP session to
1440 seconds
session.cache_expire180Limits the validity of
the session cache to 3 hours


Parameters: Register Globals off


Starting with version 4.4.x, register_globals is turned off in PHP. This means that a PHP script can no longer access information transferred from forms as GET or POST data through global variables.

The transferred data is accessed through arrays. This means that variables that were sent through GET are accessible with $_GET["variablesName"]. POST data corresponding with $_POST["variablesName"].

These updates serve to increase security and structure in PHP scripts, and existing scripts can easily be adapted for these changes as illustrated in the following example.


$text = $test;
echo $text;
Ausgabe: Nachricht


$test = $_GET["test"];
$text = $test;
echo $text;
Ausgabe: Nachricht

Runtime configuration


With the update to the PHP version 5.3.22, there is a new limit for the maximum number of fields with a POST request, which is now 1,000. These values can be manually changed through an individual php.ini file by entering, for example, the value max_input_vars = 2000.

Note: In order to find out how PHP is configured for your web hosting package, you can simply create a small file with the name info.php.
Beachte auch How can I find out the PHP and/or MqSQL version?


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